Professor, Language Model Interpretability Team, NLP Department, MBZUAI, UAE
Professor, Tohoku NLP Group (Center for Language AI Research), Tohoku University, Japan
Leader of Natural Language Understanding Team, RIKEN AIP, Japan
email: kentaro.inui (at)
phone: +971 2 811 3282
twitter: @inuikentaro
Masdar City, Building 1B, 3rd Floor, Abu Dhabi, UAE
I am a Professor in the NLP Department at MBZUAI in UAE. My research encompasses a broad spectrum of NLP domains, focusing primarily on the computational modeling of semantics and discourse, knowledge-intensive reasoning for language comprehension, and the interpretability and trustworthiness of neural language and multi-modal models. I am also interested in the educational applications of NLP, conducting research in areas such as explainable automated writing evaluation and argumentation diagnosis. Before joining MBZUAI, I led the NLP Lab at Tohoku University Japan for over ten years and the Natural Language Understanding Team at RIKEN for seven years in Japan. In addition to my role at MBZUAI, I actively retain affiliations with both institutions, engaging in close collaborations and ongoing research initiatives.
Academic & Career History
- 9/2023-present: Professor, Natural Language Processing Department, MBZUAI, UAE
- 10/2016-present: Leader of Natural Language Understanding Team, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP)
- 3/2010-present: Professor, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University
- 10/2011-present: Visiting Professor, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
- 10/2006-3/2018: Visiting Researcher, National Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Japan
- 2/2004-12/2004: Visiting Researcher, University of Sussex, UK
- 10/2001-2/2010: Associate Professor, Graduate School of Information Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
- 10/1998-9/2001: Research Fellowship, PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Corporation
- 4/1998-3/2002: Associate Professor, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Kyushu Institute of Technology
- 4/1995-3/1998: Research Associate, Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- 3/1995: Ph.D. from Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- 4/1992-3/1995: Research Fellowship, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
- 3/1990: B.E. from Department of Computer Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Academic service
Academic Honors
My favorite izakayas in Japan:
- すけぞう 昭和の香り残る壱弐参(いろは)横町の一角、すばらしい常連さん達に出会えます。仙台市青葉区一番町壱弐参横丁(022-227-5177)
- 文ちゃんうどん 私の中では仙台の「ぶあいそ」。何もかも美味しいです。家族ともどもお世話になってます。仙台市青葉区一番町壱弐参横丁(022-266-3285)
- 味処花祭り 東北の酒と魚の文化を堪能できる小さな居酒屋さん。学生時代に通ったさつきを思い出します。仙台駅西口徒歩3分名掛丁(022-222-3948)
- 白雪 魚料理も野菜料理もいつ行ってもたまりません。もちろん地酒も。仙台市青葉区大町晩翠通沿い(022-224-2776)
- 風のごとく 酒・魚だけでなく野菜料理も楽しめるのがうれしい居酒屋さん。仙台市青葉区国分町1丁目(022-215-4419)
- 一ノ瀬 大将お一人ですべてを切り盛りされてるお店。行くたびに変わる酒と料理、絶品です。神戸市六甲道駅徒歩3分(078-811-3445)
- 日知庵 酒の文化の奥深さと酒の縁の無限の広がりを教えてくれた飲み屋さん。阪急京都線河原町駅徒歩4分(075-231-0374)
- 旬眞庵 愛情たっぷりの料理と酒、そして人に出会える風情豊かな懐石料理屋さん。京都市左京区北白川山ノ元町(075-712-0717)
- 楽庵 日知庵仲間が教えてくれた魚料理屋さん。ここの魚、すごいです。鰤しゃぶ、驚きます。京都市地下鉄四条徒歩3分(075-352-5252)
- 山ぶき 自宅そばのすてきな蕎麦屋さん。蕎麦もさることながら、日本酒のセンスが抜群。近鉄京都線新田辺駅徒歩1分(0774-64-0137)
- ぶあいそ 新田辺で飲むときはほとんどココでした。大将のコテコテ居酒屋料理がたまりません。近鉄京都線新田辺駅徒歩3分(0774-63-7318)
- ひな 1年に1度、鹿児島大の集中講義のときに必ず訪ねます。ご主人もお客さんもみんな温かいです。鹿児島市東千石町(099-224-9678)
- 権蔵 飯塚歓楽街の片隅にあった今はなき幻の飲み屋さん。大将夫妻との数々の思い出は宝物です。本当に本当にお世話になりました。